Wednesday, April 4, 2012

because it's wednesday (and almost easter)

image via google search

Happy almost easter themed furry creature!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

be you.

images via pinterest

Today is just a gentle reminder to be you.
Whether you're a quiet soul who likes to sit at home and read, or an extrovert that enjoys drinking martinis with your girlfriends, be proud of who you are. There's only one you. And you have one life to live. Don't spend it trying to fit in.
And oh yeah... life is short. So smile, and have a little fun, won't cha?

Monday, April 2, 2012

not all those who wander are lost

image via pinterest
This weekend, I saw a psychic, who spent thirty minutes discussing how I was, "and she meant this in the nicest way possible", a flake. She emphasized my highly creative creative personality and cautioned that I should always have ten pokers in the fire at once because I tend to become bored easily. She mentioned that I am a woman of many talents and I want to explore them all. She deliberated over what paths I should explore...
writing, communications, photography, modeling, hairdressing, jewellery making, event planning, publishing...
And then, when I looked like I was going to have an anxiety attack over the sheer breadth of it all, she casually stated I would most likely be this way my entire life. Flitting about from passion to passion.
I left feeling like I was drowning in a sea of possibilities. I knew I was always a bit of a free spirit and not the most conventional of individuals, but I guess I always assumed I would find my path. Emphasis being on the word path. Not plural. Just one. One path.
It got me thinking.

Maybe, not all those who wander are lost. Maybe, some of us are meant to journey through life, visiting different destinations. Sometimes staying a while and sometimes just passing through. And maybe, just maybe, there's nothing wrong with this.

P.S. According to aforementioned psychic, I was also a falcon trainer in past lives. Sort of awesome.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


image via pinterest

Today, it is raining, again. I really don't mind the rain. And, actually, there's really nothing nicer than rain, a cup of hot coffee, and my white duvet. I may write. I may gaze out the window and listen to the seagulls. Or, I may just have myself a Twilight marathon.
Yes, it's going to be the perfect day. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

because it's wednesday (and the weather sucks)

image via pinterest

I am spending the rest of the day in bed, curled up in a ball, underneath my white duvet cover. I may take a break to attack the colossal pile of laundry in the bathroom. Yes, it's that bad. Not only is it overflowing outside the bin, but it has managed to find new spots to inhabit. Like next to the toilet. Underneath the sink. And in the doorway. I believe it's trying to make its way over into the bedroom next. Only time with tell.
This week's adorable creature is this little lizard. Look at its itty bitty claws! Too cute.

Happy hump day lovelies...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

spring awakenings

image via fotoblur

The last time I posted was in October.
In recent weeks, I feel like I've needed this as a creative outlet more than ever. I've been throwing myself into writing, design, and photography. And, yes, a lot has been going on in my life lately. Some of it deep and dark and emotional. 
So, I've decided to start posting again. Hopefully for good.