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On my way home from work yesterday, I picked up a copy of A Place of Yes by Bethenny Frankel. I've recently moved and my afternoon commute now takes a whopping hour and a half instead of 15 minutes, so I decided it was time to adjust. Since I can't read while driving, I went for a book on CD. And believe me, there were slim pickings. However, after much digging around and exasperated sighs, I managed to find A Place of Yes wedged between The Power of Now and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Not knowing what to expect, I popped it into my car and pressed play.
Let me start off by saying I love Bethenny Frankel, so I figured at the very least I would be somewhat amused. I must admit, though, I was a bit skeptical. Bethenny Frankel is many things: funny, honest, a great chef. Bethenny Frankel is not a self-help guru, nor is she a trained psychologist. Is she really in a position to be giving this kind of advice? After listening to the first few chapters, the answer became very clear... yes.
A Place of Yes is not only witty and entertaining, it's empowering. Bethenny seemlessly blends intimate personal experiences with reflections and insight. Her "10 rules for getting everything you want out of life" are thought-provoking. Her voice is distinct. And her stories are captivating. I highly recommend this book if you're struggling with any area of your life or just want to hear an interesting autobiography. Frankly (no pun intended), I'm obsessed.
I've heard of Bethenny, but I've never seen her shows and certainly haven't read the book. But I'll have to check it out -- sounds right up my alley!
ReplyDeleteShe's really a powerhouse... I've read her other two books as well, which are nutrition focused, and they're great! I was pleasantly surprised at how inspiring this book was and definitely recommend it if you're into the self improvement genre...
ReplyDeleteThank you for recommendation!!! I will check it out!
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