Thursday, June 9, 2011

curling up in a ball

After a horrendous, awful, terrible day, I'm spending the night in bed watching trashy television and eating chocolate chip cookies. VH1 has a new series called single ladies, which is basically a racially mixed sex and the city set in atlanta. I watched this for three hours and loved every minute of it. Highly recommended if you're trying to pamper yourself while hibernating. There's something about stacey dash that just makes everything better. There's also something about stacey dash that makes me feel like I shouldn't be eating chocolate chip cookies (her body is bananas). If you have no idea who I'm talking about, she's most known for playing cher's bestfriend in clueless. Also a must see while hibernating. I'm going to go watch real housewives of new york now, followed by a bit of wallowing in self-pity and some much needed sleep.

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