Friday, August 19, 2011

better than the real thing, jessica durrant

illustrations via jessica durrant as seen on etsy

While reading one of my favorite blogs, Breakfast at Toast, I noticed some fabulous artwork in the banner. After a little investigating, I learned that the stunning illustrations were completed by none other than Jessica Durrant. There was just one problem... I had no idea who this was. Wanting to see more of her work, I followed a link to her etsy shop, appropriately titled Jessica's Little Shop of Illustrations. There I stayed for several minutes, captivated by the beautiful watercolors and ink prints. As you can already tell, most of her illustrations are inspired by fashion. And if you visit her little shop (which I highly recommend) you can even click on the individual prints to learn which designer inspired which piece. So much more fun than reading a magazine.   
Happy fashion friday everyone!

 P.S. You can own one of these for under $30... perfect for a bedroom or boudoir.


  1. She is So Talented! Does she paint Individuals? I would like to be painted like that!)


  2. These are beautiful -- thanks for sharing! I love Etsy. A lot of artwork in my apartment is from there -- including a print from jkldesign: You should check her out!

  3. I'm so happy everyone loves them as much as I do... I'm thinking of buying some for my bedroom... And I forgot to mention that she has a gorgeous website and blog which can be found at

    And Yelena, I'm sure she would be willing to paint individuals... you could ask her via email. There's a link on her website!

  4. I love her work! She is a big inspiration. :) Thank you for sharing!
