Thursday, August 18, 2011

moving on

image via moi

Two weeks ago I made the decision to quit my job and follow my dreams. Yesterday was my last day. I took this picture minutes after leaving my desk for the last time. This was the right decision for me. But goodbyes are always so final. And bittersweet. Even when I'm so excited to embark on a new journey, there's something to say about leaving behind people, places, things. A life. Even when there's no doubt in my mind this was the right thing to do, it's still hard.
It seems this past month I've been closing a lot of doors. But without this, I wouldn't be able to carve a path for myself. And I refuse to live with regrets. So I guess this post is really about what's to come. I read a quote recently about how life is like a garden. You have to prune it so that it can grow. I hope my garden is unpredictable, full of excitement, challenges, and laughs.
And more than anything, I hope if you have the opportunity to follow your dreams, you take it.


  1. This is incredible in so many ways. Good for you for taking a leap of faith. I'm certain it could be a scary step with so many unkowns, but if the opportunity is there i'm with you, take it! Wishing you all the best in your new journey! x

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words... They're much appreciated!

